Tierras Milperas Tierras Milperas

Support Tierras Milperas Move out to Community Lands

For Immediate Release

Contact: Hugo Nava 

(831) 687-9455


No agreement was reached and the dialogue was exhausted. We see your solidarity and support in the petition you circulated. This was important for our community and our fight for remaining in our current garden site. Tierras Milperas families are not alone. Our legal advisors are now going to move this forward. For now, we have found ourselves in need of finding a new site to relocate our garden and belongings. All we are asking for is time. Time so we can harvest our crops and transition our belongings to a new location. We are now asking the church for February 28, 2024 as the final date to fully vacate from their site and mid November 2023 to move out of the office/storage space. 15 days was not enough nor will 2 months we need until the end of the harvest and some time to justly move. 

After 12 atmospheric rivers and a devastating flood that impacted our homes, livelihoods and community we are now in the midst of  another move in our community. The majority of the agricultural land area in the Pajaro Valley continues to be held by large corporate owners and the land areas within the city limits are few to host more than 51 families. Our families have already felt displacement many times before, some even continue to travel from Salinas to plant and build community here even after being priced out of Watsonville.  We find ourselves in the need to raise funds to move out and we ask our community at large to support us in this new phase as we search for a land area we can call home and transform into community lands in campesin@ hands. 

We are raising $500,000 to support our collective move and as seed money for a downpayment for land where we can grow the production of foods and reproduction of community that value earth and our labor. Support our GOFUNDME bit.ly/yeslandnolord our Unpaid Labor & Stolen Land Fund which will support Tierras Milperas move towards community held land. 

Stay connected for more updates on our community move out.

#yeslandnolo #campesinolandjustice #unpaidlabor&landfund #communitylandincampesin@hands #wearealltierrasmilperas

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